DIY projects? More in the South than in the North
Which cities have the highest number of searches for home repair services? The answer comes from a study by, which analyzed online searches to compile a ranking of the cities where people most frequently search for a plumber, an electrician, a painter or a carpenter.
We can tell you right away that in almost all the rankings, cities in Northern Italy dominate, while in the South it is more common for people to rely on personal acquaintances or to manage these repairs themselves.
The study revealed that Milan is the city with the highest number of requests for the following professions: plumber (6,600 searches), electrician (4,400), painter (1,000) and carpenter (1,300). It therefore surpasses Rome, which ranks second in at least two rankings. Bologna and another city in Northern Italy are competing for the remaining podium positions.
In almost all the rankings, cities in Northern Italy dominate, with Florence, Padua, Parma and Verona among the most recurring.
From Southern Italy, only a few exceptions emerge. Naples appears in the ranking of cities that most frequently search for plumbers, while Palermo and Catania in the one related to carpenters.
Among the professions analyzed, the most searched for on the web are plumbers with 27,100 searches, followed by carpenters and electricians, while painters rank last with a clear gap, with 5,400 searches.
Analyzing the trend of these searches on Google Trends from 2004 to today, there is a general stability in demand for most professions. However, the large increase in searches related to plumbers over time is striking.

With the aim of identifying the cities with the most relevant searches in the home repair sector, conducted a study on search trends. Using the Semrush tool, the ten cities with the highest search volumes for the query “Profession + Italian city” were analyzed, considering the following professions: plumber, electrician, painter and carpenter. Subsequently, the specific search volume for each profession was examined, and thanks to Google Trends, it was possible to analyze the trend of searches from 2004 to today, highlighting trends and changes over time.
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